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Tenant FAQ

How do I request a reasonable accommodation for my disability?

The Revolution Firm is a proud supporter of Fair Housing laws, and that includes the reasonable accommodation standard. If you are a tenant or a tenant applicant who lives with a disability of any kind, and you need a reasonable accommodation, all you have to do is ask. What exactly are reasonable accommodations? They could be of many different varieties, but here are a few common examples:

  • A vision-impaired tenant needs to have a service dog in a house that doesn't normally allow for animals.
  • A tenant in a wheelchair needs to have a ramp installed in order to access the home.
  • A tenant with a hearing impairment needs to install a peephole in the door to be able to see who is present before opening the door.

These are just a few examples but should give you an idea of the sorts of things that fall under this Fair Housing standard. Now, it's important to keep in mind that the tenant is still responsible for any expenses associated with the modification of the home, and they are also responsible for returning the property to its original condition when vacating the home. So if someone requests that a wheelchair ramp be installed, for example, then that tenant would have to pay for that installation and pay to have it removed and returned to its original condition when they move out. But as long as the tenant is willing to do this, the request would be approved, assuming the person actually does have a need for the accommodation.

We have created a form that makes it very easy for anyone to request reasonable accommodation. Please fill out this form and someone from our staff will get back to you as soon as possible: Reasonable Accommodation Request Form.

Please note that if your disability is not obvious to a reasonable observer, it may be necessary for a member of our staff to ask for information on the nature of the impairment so that they might be able to assess the reasonableness of the request. This information will be kept confidential and will only be used for this purpose.
